Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 2 - Let's get ready to rumble!!

Today, I hit the gym for the first time in my new weight loss plan. It was a pretty good workout. I must tell you that cardio with an ingrown toenail really sucks but I got through my 30 minutes on the eliptical without too much trouble. I burned 405 calories and feel really good right now. I then did abs and some light arms but nothing too difficult.

Today should be a good day for losing weight. I have a ton of yard work to do a little later and then my wife and I have both agreed to go on 2 miles walks again this evening. Start strong...remain strong.

I'm going to really concentrate on not eating just because I am bored this weekend. I know that when I get bored, my first instinct is to go eat. If I can beat that, I will be over one huge hump.

I'll jump on the scale tomorrow to see where I am. Talk to you then.

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